Learn how to naturally relieve pressure and pain during birth
So, the D-Day is fast approaching and you are starting to feel a bit anxious now. You have butterflies in your stomach caused by the complex mixture of nervousness and excitement at the prospect of finally being able to meet your little angel.
While you can’t wait to hold your bundle of joy in your arms, thinking about the pain that comes with labor and delivery is a thought that you are tempted to actively avoid.
Chances are, all the horror stories that you have heard related to childbirth have come flooding in at once, making you feel totally unprepared.
Well, pause! Just pause and breathe because we are here to tell you that you’ve got this, Mama!
We won’t sugarcoat it– for most women, childbirth is a painful process. Painful but highly manageable. The pain threshold for every woman is different and labor pains drastically vary in intensity.
Just because Susan from work had an excruciating childbirth experience does not mean you will have one as well. Similarly, your best friend having an easy-breezy delivery is no reason to believe yours will be virtually painless too!
Every woman is different and so is every delivery.
According to statistics, approximately 46% of women who experienced childbirth for the first time stated that the pain was not as bad as they expected it to be!
Check out some more interesting facts related to pregnancy, labor, and your baby here.
This article is carefully crafted for all you mums-to-be who are looking for information on how to handle labor pain efficiently.
While we will also briefly touch upon the medications that can help ease pain and discomfort, this article serves as an in-depth guide on the various natural techniques you can use to dramatically reduce pain related to childbirth.
Medications Used To Ease Labor Pain. Many women prefer using pain-reducing medications to help with the process of delivering a baby. No matter how you choose to deliver your baby, never forget that you are no less than a superhero! Typically, the three most commonly used medications that are safe, easy and effective are -
An epidural block is essentially a numbing medication that is injected directly into the spine.
Once the epidural takes effect, you will feel some numbness in the lower region of your body, making it significantly pain-free and easier for you to push.
Epidural does not affect your alertness and awareness levels in any way.
An epidural is the most popular pain-relieving option that is used by hospitals in the United States.
Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide is a gas that almost instantly reduces childbirth related anxiety when inhaled.
It is extremely safe to use and promotes a sense of calm during labor and delivery.
With nitrous oxide, there is no numbing involved and you will still experience a certain degree of pain. However, it is highly effective in making you feel more in control of the situation.
Pethidine Injections
Pethidine is a very strong opioid that acts as a painkiller.
This is used in cases where the pain experienced is very severe.
It is typically injected into your thigh or buttock muscles directly.
Pethidine can cause extreme drowsiness in some cases and is not the best choice when it comes to childbirth.
There are several other less common medications to help you handle labor pains. Your doctor may decide which medication, or a combination of medications, is best suited for you depending on a variety of factors like your age, health and, history of allergies.
The ones described above are the most widely used medications and you should always learn about them beforehand so that you are well-prepared.
7 Top-Notch Natural Techniques To Help Relieve Pain Associated With Childbirth
In simple terms, natural childbirth refers to the process of labor and delivery without the usage of any anesthesia or medicines.
In a way, you allow the process of childbirth to happen spontaneously by letting nature take its course.
Many women prefer an unmedicated birth for a variety of reasons. A wrong notion that plenty of people have in mind is that natural is synonymous with painful and agonizing.
While childbirth is a daunting experience for numerous women, there is no need for you to suffer in pain just because you chose to go the natural way!
Listed below are some popular tried-and-tested techniques to ease labor pains naturally and make childbirth a memorable and beautiful experience for you.
1) The Power Of Deep Breathing
Deep breathing is quite possibly the most underrated yet powerful technique to ease labor pain.
We assure you, by using the right breathing techniques, you will feel much more in control of your body and the entire process of childbirth.
Various breathing techniques can be used to cope with the pain and almost all of these are highly effective. Ideally, there are different breathing techniques specifically designed for the different stages of labor.
In most cases, something as simple as just inhaling deeply through your nose, holding your breath, and counting to 5, followed by releasing your breath audibly can also help regulate contractions.
Rhythmic breathing is another powerful tool that you could employ. Research suggests that deep, conscious, and rhythmic breathing during labor increases the oxygen levels in your body, thus reducing pain and discomfort.
2) Hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy is a technique that is growing in popularity with each passing year. Hydrotherapy can have a lot of mental benefits along with physical ones.
Hydrotherapy is a technique where you immerse yourself partially or completely in warm water.
It soothes you the same way that soaking in a warm bath could soothe sore muscles after a particularly strenuous workout.
Except, of course, childbirth is definitely a lot more painful than just sore leg muscles!
Hydrotherapy is not to be confused with water birth. The two are different in nature. Water birth is the process of giving birth to your baby in a birthing pool while hydrotherapy refers to spending time in a hydrotherapy tub filled with warm water.
It is perfectly safe and can be used during any phase of labor.
This technique has been shown to reduce levels of perceived pain very drastically. Plenty of hospitals are now encouraging women to reap the pain-relieving benefits that hydrotherapy offers.
3) Birthing ball
A birthing ball is nothing but a large air-filled ball that pregnant women can use to rock back and forth during labor.
There are various birthing ball techniques and positions that you can make use of to ease labor pains and ensure a smooth delivery.
Birthing balls help maintain the ideal posture conducive to the process of delivering a baby by supporting your pelvis and helping it open up a little. It may be a wise idea to get comfortable with a birthing ball during pregnancy itself.
Of course, we strictly recommend consulting your doctor before diving right into it.
A peanut ball is also another great tool that can help with pain management. A peanut ball is basically a birthing ball except, it is shaped like a peanut.
A peanut ball is all the rage right now with more and more women wanting to explore its benefits.
Evidence and reviews from plenty of women who have used the peanut ball is testimony to the fact that this is a brilliant, versatile, and easy to use tool.
Unlike the birthing ball where you are supposed to sit upright, the peanut ball is to be used when you want to remain in bed.
The best way to use this is by placing one leg over the ball, the other leg to its side, and pushing the ball as close to your hips as possible. This position ensures that your baby is well-positioned at all times and also contributes towards lowering discomfort.
However, there are many other ways to use it.
4) A Gentle Massage Can Go A Long Way
When it comes to labor and delivery, a massage is an excellent way to promote relaxation and effectively lower pain and stress levels.
It can be used as a part of touch therapy that has been documented to have a myriad of benefits for women during labor. Having your partner give you a simple back rub or even just a foot rub can do the trick.
A study conducted in the year 2012 clearly indicated that women who received a 30-minute massage from their partners experienced lesser levels of pain than women who did not.
Your partner can learn some useful massage techniques that can help you on your big day! This is also the perfect way to make sure your partner feels involved in the process of childbirth.
Doulas are highly trained in providing massages to ease labor pains. Some doulas have a certification course in massage therapy and know precisely what techniques will work best for you.
5) Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a technique that uses essential oils to promote a sense of well-being. It has been dubbed as an alternative for pain reducing medication when it comes to labor and pain management.
Using a diffuser to inhale the floral scent of lavender oil or the zesty and fruity aroma of orange essential oil can make you feel calmer and more in control of yourself.
Lavender oil has been well documented to have pain-relieving properties.
If you do not wish to inhale it directly, you can simply mix a drop or two of the essential oil of your choice with a carrier oil (like almond oil or coconut oil) and rub it on your ankles, wrists or even behind your ears.
6) Music Can Help!
Listening to calming and soothing music during labor can also help you cope with the pain. Having something to listen to, even if it is just the relaxing sound of ocean waves crashing rhythmically, serves as a distraction.
Calming music can foster a very positive environment around you serving as a major source of relaxation and can have a positive impact on your mood.
It is vital to pick the right kind of music to boost the endorphin levels, thus ensuring maximum benefit. Making a birth playlist of your favorite songs well in advance is something we highly recommend you do!
7) Stay Active
We know that you are probably rolling your eyes at us right now but the truth is, staying active whenever possible during labor is a great strategy to help you cope with the pain.
Keep moving as much as you comfortably can, even if it is just a few steps at a time. If walking seems like an impossible task, do not force yourself to do it. Relax, it is okay!
Just standing upright whenever possible can also help with a smooth delivery. Our aim here is to let gravity and nature do its thing.
Another great pain-relieving activity is to get down on all-fours and to hold that position for a few minutes. This technique helps in reducing the intensity of your contractions to a great extent.
Simply sitting on the bed or a chair and rocking back and forth also falls under the category of movement. The rocking or swaying effect can also contribute towards easy labor and delivery.